Our venue for the day is the beautiful Larchill Arcadian Gardens. Created between 1740 and 1780 Larchill Arcadian Gardens is a ‘Ferme Ornée’ or Ornamental Farm and is the only surviving, near complete, garden of its type in Europe. The Ferme Ornée gardens of the mid 18th century were an expression in landscape gardening of the Romantic Movement.
We will be meeting at 10.30am in the Café for coffee/tea and scones. After coffee Bill O'Dea will give a talk on the Wonderful World of Mushrooms with guidance on identifying edible and toxic mushrooms and lots of other fascinating facts on fungi including medicinal uses, nutrition, biodiversity and their importance in ecosystems.
We will then forage for mushrooms around the estate. This will be followed by identification of our find, and cooking of edible mushrooms. Our mission for the day is to identify what we are looking for, find some, and taste some.
Includes light lunch and coffee/tea and scones on arrival.
10.30 am Meet at venue. Tea, coffee and scones provided.
11.00am Introduction to Mushroom Hunting and the Wonderful World of Mushrooms - Bill O'Dea
12.00pm Mushroom Forage around the estate
2.00pm Lunch and cooking of some of the edible wild mushrooms
After lunch Mushroom identification workshop. We would expect to identify 50 plus different types of mushrooms with the emphasis being on edibles.
4.00pm approx Finish.
Children who are interested in mushrooms are very welcome for a reduced charge of €20(for under 12s) to be paid on the day. Please let us know if you are bringing children so we will know the numbers to expect.
For bookings of multiple people you have an option to add the names/emails of others as a note as you checkout. We check names against booking list on the day. Its not essential to list all the names in your group as we can just use the primary person as the point of contact.